PHP is !Dying…

Rohit Shirke
4 min readJul 17, 2021



So, to the all the PHP lovers out there, this line might scorch you and by looking at the title of this article you might have also cursed the author of the article (Me 😅) like hell at first & frankly speaking, I also felt the same while I wrote the title for the article… So Apologies before we begin!!!

Jokes and pun’s apart, I have been working with PHP since last 5 years and haven’t regretted at any point in time for sure. Coming across some articles recently about the state of languages and so far the ongoing comparisons, I thought of shredding some of my thoughts for the language that has paid my bills over the years.

When I Initially started my journey as developer, I was working with many other languages & still do (Many popular ones today). At that time also, the same line was roaring the street of development field which I did neglect & I am glad I did so. See, I am not an expert or the master of the language yet & I am still learning the new things as the language itself is still evolving with many great features but, as a fan and follower of the language, I will try put some of my opinions here.

If you ask me, the greatness and neatness of any language comes from how easy it is to get-up & get going. For me PHP exactly stands to the words. PHP is easy to learn, its powerful, its well backed by the community & its growing with frameworks like #Laravel, #Symphony, #CodeIgnitor, #Yii, #phalcon and many more (Forgive me if I missed any…). None the less, its still powering >60%- 70% of the internet today when its been said that it’s dying since last 10+ years. So folks, It wont be counteractive to say, PHP isn’t going anyway near soon not for at least x years.

I also feel, It’s not wrong to criticize or compare something with something else as it’s a human tendency and it is one of the core reason for the evolution of us as a society. So its ok to say, some other language is superior to some other language. One language lacks some features to an another language which was devised later in the future. This comparison and criticism does not take away the benefits and outcomes that we have ripped in last years when the internet was booming.

So, Talking about PHP here are few things which still make PHP a great tool

  • It’s open source, It’s battel tested & it’s secure.
  • You have bizarre machine in terms of specs , No worry you can still run PHP.
  • You don’t have hours & hours to spend learning and want to quickly get going, a basic tutorials on introduction to PHP will be more that sufficient to create a fully functional site with a backend.
  • You are on short budget or on time crunch, you got covered with abundance of existing templates. You can choose any of platform like WordPress or Joomla and have access to thousand of templates free & paid.
  • You need some dynamic and static nature of the language for your project, You are covered as, PHP is default dynamically typed language but you can enforce types.
  • You have questions about your learning? may it be advanced or noob level you have a great & friendly PHP community at your help.

If you have still some doubts, here is a recent thing I came across,

PHP comes to Cloud Functions | Google Cloud Blog

Yes you read that right! If its dying, I wonder why a company like Google bring it to cloud? 😅

At the end, I’ll conclude with saying PHP has given me a lot and I’ll be always thankful to the all the peoples who has shaped this language over the years!

PS. I am thinking about putting a follow up article on what is the current state of PHP and newly introduced features so stay tuned for updates!



Note: First a genuine thanks to all the folks who liked the article.

Now back to the issue, Yes the article title is kept intentionally as clickbait 😂. Anyone having the same opinions are free to ignore it. None the less I write because, I love to write and help people with what I know and not to please anyone. If anyway it has hurt you kindly forgive the author and move on. #peace and #positiveVibesOnlyPlease



Rohit Shirke
Rohit Shirke

Written by Rohit Shirke

Tech enthusiastic | Tech Lover | Software Developer

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