Cast Your Android device on Windows PC in 5 simple steps! (Windows Connect)
Hey there,
Have you ever been in situation when you want to quickly share something from your android device to your windows desktop (But don’t want to actually copy paste anything)then this small read might help you!
What you need?
1) An android (Android > 5.0 [lollipop] ) device (Mobile/tablet/chrome book).
2) Windows PC/Laptop (With Windows 10 Anniversary Update [the sad part of the story]).
- Switch to you windows PC/Desktop and hit windows key and search for “Connect”.
2) Click on shown program and hit enter. You will end up with screen like below.
3) Head over to your mobile device and swipe down notification toggle and search for “Cast” option.
4) In the next pop up shown, you will see the list of available devices you can cast to. Now simply select your device name (In my case it’s Rohit)
(Note: if the require pin option is enabled in connect App configuration windows will pop the pin on screen which you will need to enter on your Android device for pairing. Please check below for configuring that.)
5) If everything works fine, you will see your phone window on you PC/Desktop as below.
(Optional Guide)
Enable Pin Pairing:
- Hit the “windows” key and search for “Projection to this PC”
- You will have something like below. The options are pretty self-explanatory. (Make sure you make your PC discoverable 😁)
Tips: What if something doesn't work for you?
-On Your android device if you have enabled hot-spot then turn it off and turn on the Wi-Fi.
(But, Why 😀? : In order to this thing work you PC will have to act as hot-spot and your android device as receptor the next section talk about it)
- Allow Network discovery on PC:
1) Hit the windows key and search for “Network Status” & click OK.
2) In next window search “Network and Sharing Center” and select it.
3) In next opened window in the right section look for “Change advanced Sharing Settings” and select.
Next select “Guest or public” section and in options “network discovery” turn on the “Turn on network discovery”
You might need to close the “Connect” App and go through the above Steps to start mirroring.
Hope it helps someone! Happy Casting! 😊